IR remote library for ESP32

At the moment the IRLib2 library from cyborg5 is missing support for the ESP32 module.

I have updated the library so it supports the ESP32. Until cyborg5 merges my pull request you can find the updated code on my Github in the branch esp32-support.


You can download the code here: download (mirror).


The installation instructions can be found in the included file. They are also available here:

The default IR send GPIO pin is 26. This can be changed in the file: IRLibProtocols/IRLibESP32.h.

3 comments Add yours
  1. Trying to implement a trainable IR remote control on an M5Stick C. Help from any one, Please

  2. Thank you for this i was using the IRlib 2 library and when i needed more processor power i starte dto use teh esp32 but it would not work, and i had based all my code on the IRlib2 library after finding your page iand using your module everything works again.

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